My First Wine From Fiefs Vendéens, A Loire Region To Learn & Love
When you think of the Loire Valley, the Fief Vendéens is probably not the first region that comes to mind, as its reputation is often overshadowed by the more popular wines of Pays Nantais (Muscadet Sevre et Maine, etc). But the fact that Fiefs Vendéens being lesser known is also the reason why it attracts people who loves obscure wines and regions, where finding excellent wines at a great price is a reasonable quest.
Make Love. Drink Rosé. Vice Versa.
The thing about love is that you will never run out of it. It's an ever-flowing river, and this river is pink.

Cool Climate Essential:
10 Red Grape Varieties in the Loire Valley
How is a wine region as emblematically north as the Loire Valley capable of producing serious red wines? Despite its northerly position in the world map of wine, Loire is a mosaic of multiple terroirs and climats that allow red varieties to not only thrive, but to produce wines that highlight each appellation’s remarkable diversity and unique personas.